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5 Types of Commercial Construction Projects

There are many different types of commercial construction projects. Unlike residential construction, commercial construction must collaborate with corporate representatives such as architects, engineers, and designers to develop and build a structure intended for commercial purposes. Typically, commercial buildings are designed to gain profit and are often strategically built in areas that are easy to access by the public.

1. Restaurants

Restaurants are unique commercial spaces that rely on branding, among other things, to attract and satisfy customers. Customers will typically spend an extended period of time at a restaurant, so developing the right atmosphere is extremely important. Restaurants generally contain a large kitchen with commercial appliances, a refrigerated space, a storage room, a dining area, and public restrooms, which means that there are many guidelines and regulations to consider, such as obtaining local permits.

2. Retail

Retail stores can include malls, shopping centers, grocery stores, and other establishments that sell goods and services. Retail stores are usually visited by customers on a regular basis. Therefore, it is important that construction professionals develop strategic layouts that enable fluid movement and which can withstand large crowds. As with restaurants, retail stores rely on consistent branding to succeed; this is because many retail stores can have multiple branches or be a part of a large franchise.

3. Office

Office buildings are very diverse in nature, as these commercial projects can range from small-scale office spaces to massive skyscrapers owned by major corporations. Depending on the scale of the project and the potential of occupancy, there are different design factors to consider, such as the incorporation of elevators or staircases in larger offices. Every office project is different; however, there are some construction necessities that apply to all types of office buildings, like fire escapes and restrooms, which must adhere to local regulations and safety guidelines.

4. Industrial

Industrial buildings are commercial structures such as factories or warehouses which may manufacture, produce, or store certain products or materials. Due to the nature of industrial structures, these buildings often require high ceilings and large rooms with good ventilation. These spaces are required to accommodate large machines and equipment, as well as workers. Depending on the industry, these structures may require additional facilities, such as shipping docks. Due to the increased safety concerns associated with these factors, appropriate planning is necessary.

5. Institutional

Institutional buildings are another type of commercial project, and may include schools, libraries, government buildings, hospitals, art galleries, and museums. Because there are so many different types of buildings under this category, there is no specific approach to institutional building construction. However, depending on their intended use, basic concepts such as fire safety, accessibility, design, and adherence to local regulations are all important considerations.

While there are many types of commercial construction projects, they all share similar considerations when it comes to following regulations and safety guidelines – and they all benefit from the oversight of a skilled construction team. At Pulse Construction, we’re committed to doing business with an honest, professional, and competitive approach – without compromising safety or schedules. Contact us today for all of your building needs.

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