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Construction News Beat – Volume 1, Issue 1


Maintenance plays a crucial role in establishing smooth business operations at every facility. We often get asked why a company should consider outsourcing the maintenance versus hiring in house personnel. We believe that the most successful companies are those that focus on their core competencies and invest accordingly. So, spending valuable company resources on hiring, training and other employment costs on work that is not directly related to the company’s value proposition is not the best use of company money. Building maintenance, although extremely important to keeping operations running smoothly is not typically a core competency, unless you are in the business of providing business maintenance. Hiring a reputable contractor to take care of your building maintenance makes good financial sense for those companies looking to continuously improve their overall product or service offering, and hence their overall competitive positioning.


  • When you hire an outside building maintenance contractor or facilities maintenance company, you don’t have to worry about training, HR services, and other employee responsibilities and planning.
  • This building maintenance contractor’s sole purpose is to improve your building, which means it will give you good results.
  • This building maintenance contractor will update your building to the newest codes and technological advances, so your building will never be outdated, and you could make it an easy sell if need be.
  • A well-maintained building/work space leads to a better working environment. People are more motivated to work, which means more business is happening.
  • A well-maintained building will attract more business. Clients are impressed when they see a beautiful property.
  • Your building will always be clean and tidy.
  • Your operations will be running smoothly, because things breaking down or not working will not occur very often. If things break, they will get taken care of immediately.
  • The building maintenance contractor will help decrease the numbers of times repair work or the buying of new items will have to take place. The building maintenance contractor will help keep the building safe by keeping it properly maintained.
  • You can focus on and spend more time running your business and developing your core competencies while the building maintenance contractor is focused on keeping your building in tip-top shape.

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