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Digital Vs. Physical Presence: Why Your Business Needs Both

Determining where and how to build your commercial business is a major decision – and these days, that means considering your brand’s digital presence as well as its physical location. While it may be tempting to prioritize one over the other, especially as more companies migrate to an online-only model, many businesses can still benefit from having physical locations that function in tandem with a digital presence. Read on for an overview of how to establish both – and how they can work together to achieve success. 

Establishing Digital Presence

In 2022, there were over 27 million eCommerce users in Canada, with consumers relying more heavily on online shopping than ever before. Businesses are feeling the need to enter the digital space to keep up with growing competition, and retailers are rapidly investing in digital strategies to take advantage of this new reality.

Connecting with customers digitally means reaching people on a global scale, but on a personal level, allowing for more proactive interactions and bridging the gap between a business and its customers. Additionally, individuals are more likely to seek out others’ opinions about products before purchasing something, and a great website or social media platform will provide the appropriate space that nurtures and cultivates that discussion. A successful interaction or experience by one individual, even if only through a simple review on Google or a quick mention on social media, can influence a whole new audience.

Establishing Physical Presence

A prominent online presence isn’t the only way to find and keep clients. To stand out in a crowded marketplace, having a physical brick-and-mortar location can be a significant asset, increasing brand visibility and exposing potential customers to your brand who might not be reached through digital marketing strategies. Further, a physical presence tends to establish trust: while anyone can start an online business with just a computer and internet connection, a physical location builds reputation by suggesting a higher level of credibility and professionalism.  

Physical location also plays a roll in the process of search engine optimization (SEO). SEO determines how businesses rank in search results; the higher the ranking, the better your exposure will be when potential customers conduct a relevant search. Having a brick-and-mortar presence helps to confirm the authenticity of your business, thus improving its overall ranking and visibility.

So what does all this mean? As marketing strategies become increasingly integrated with the digital space, businesses should utilize digital tools like social media and websites to create digital linkages with their customers while capitalizing on the benefits of a physical location. A strong digital and physical presence working in tandem leads to high engagement, strong, personal relationships with customers, and ultimately a bigger return in sales and productivity.

Looking for a team to take the lead on your next project? At Pulse Construction, we’re committed to doing business with an honest, professional, and competitive approach – without compromising safety or schedules. Contact us today for all of your building needs.

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