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The Rise of the Smart City

Approximately 55% of the global population currently lives in cities, and this number is projected to increase to 68% by 2050, according to the United Nations. That’s great news for those in the commercial construction industry, as demand for housing, retail, and office spaces is certain to increase. However, a growing urban population also comes with significant challenges in terms of social, economic, and environmental sustainability.

Why Smart Cities Help

Smart cities offer a solution to many of the challenges facing the urban population today. In a smart city, citizens and government authorities work together using various technologies in order to manage services and optimize infrastructure to ultimately create a better life for all. Smart cities place people first, giving citizens a voice and the tools to improve social, economic, and environmental quality.

For this to happen, wireless networks, sensors, and other technologies are used to collect key data on items such as utility usage, pollution levels, and traffic patterns. This data is then analyzed and used to make predictions and improvements, such as adjusting waste management schedules or installing needed traffic lights. Sensors can also be used to monitor the structural health of buildings, roads, and other forms of infrastructure. With modern technology, the possibilities are nearly endless.

Importantly, the data collected by a smart city is open-access, meaning that it is available to all and not restricted to specific officials. Indeed, this exchange of information between the government and citizens is a fundamental component of smart cities. The success of a smart city depends not only on creating services that improve quality of life, but also on how many citizens adopt those smart services. Without participation from citizens, a smart city cannot function.  

Implications for the Construction Industry

Many cities are already well on their way to being “smart,” including Singapore, Dubai, and Amsterdam – just to name a few. And, as urban planning around the world begins to focus increasingly on a smart framework, it is clear that there are implications for the construction industry.

Construction is the backbone of urban development, and businesses involved in construction projects will need to increase their technical knowledge and invest in new tools in order to adapt to the specific requirements of smart cities. The companies that thrive in the smart city era will be those that have the education and equipment needed to accommodate these smart technologies.

The solutions offered by smart cities provide many benefits for all involved, increasing overall quality of life and ensuring sustainability. The construction industry is essential for supporting these goals, and by maintaining an active awareness of smart technologies, those involved with commercial construction are well-placed to play a key role in the rise of the smart city.

Looking for a team to take the lead on your next project? At Pulse Construction, we’re committed to doing business with an honest, professional, and competitive approach – without compromising safety or schedules. Contact us today for all of your building needs.

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