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The Top 3 Strategies for Sustainable Construction

As an immense consumer of resources, the construction industry generates excessive material waste and contributes significantly to environmental pollution thanks to its massive carbon footprint. In recent years, strategies to address these challenges have become of increasing importance, not only to lessen environmental impact but also to reduce the hefty cost of inefficient practices. In fact, construction projects that use sustainable, eco-friendly techniques tend to have overall lower costs and a higher end value.

The benefits are clear – but where to begin? Here are our top three strategies for sustainable construction.

1. Source Sustainable, Local Materials

When sourcing building materials, prioritize based on sustainability and proximity. Sustainable construction materials include recycled wood, bamboo, and wool insulation; not only are these safer to produce and healthier for humans and the environment, but they are also more appealing to prospective tenants and investors who are seeking environmentally-friendly buildings. And local materials, compared with those transported over long distances, have a minimal impact in terms of carbon emissions. Sourcing locally also helps to speed up the construction process in general, which means that this simple strategy can have a huge positive impact on the entire project.

2. Reduce Waste

During the construction process, waste is naturally generated. This is particularly true for projects that involve demolition – a common necessity, as there are often pre-existing structures that must be removed before development can proceed. Instead of dumping these waste materials, such as steel, concrete, and flooring, reuse and repurpose them for future projects wherever possible, and ensure that unusable recyclable materials are indeed recycled and not sent to a landfill. Waste can also be reduced by ensuring regular checks and repairs of equipment and tools, as consistent maintenance extends the lifespan of machinery. Even resources such as water and energy can be the target of waste reduction; for instance, investing in modern tools and LED lighting for construction sites lowers energy costs, and smart design can be leveraged to collect rainwater for landscape irrigation. Because waste reduction can be applied to many areas of a construction project, it results in immediate savings and is a great long-term sustainability strategy.

3. Switch to Digital

There are many innovative technologies revolutionizing the construction industry, including apps and platforms that enable construction processes to be carried out digitally. Physical blueprints, schedules, plans, contracts, timesheets: these require huge quantities of paper, the production of which wastes water, increases pollution, and contributes to deforestation. Not only that, but businesses that rely on paper documentation are at a much higher risk of loss in the event of a catastrophe such as a fire or flood – an important consideration, as extreme weather events are projected to rise over the coming decades. Switching to digital saves time, money, energy, and reduces risk of loss, making it well worth the initial investment.

By prioritizing these three strategies for sustainable construction, the construction industry can do its part for the environment and the economy as we move into an era of eco-friendly practices. Whether your focus is commercial or residential developments, transitioning to sustainable construction now will ensure that your business is not left behind.

Looking for a team to take the lead on your next project? At Pulse Construction, we’re committed to doing business with an honest, professional, and competitive approach – without compromising safety or schedules. Contact us today for all of your building needs.

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